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" Watch Me" - Season 2 series 94. New video! Baldi complained to his mother about us, what we at that time cheated. So Mama Baldi decided to do so that we were late for school. What will she do? Look rather Baldi's in real life. If you liked the video - put your likes and subscribe to my channel Watch Me.
MY SECOND CHANNEL, backup - goo.gl/wHTBEH
My English channel is goo.gl/uFsZny
Other series from the series about Emily, see below under the links:
• ПОМЕНЯЛИСЬ ТЕЛАМИ! Эми... CHANGED OLD STARS AND MARCO! Emily found out who Nurbak is - IT'S ADRIAN ?! CHINA NUAR the granddaughter of Cat Noir!
THE BROTHER OF THE BATTLE ?! A NEW BITCH FROM LADIBAS. Emily Agrest has found KVAMI WIZZES and an amulet! 4 SERIES real life • Брат Бражника?! Новый ...
DIPPER AGAINST MABEL! EMILY in Gravity Falls. VAYZZ KVAMI UKAL magic cubes! Kitty Noir 3 part • Диппер против Мейбл! Э...
100 YEARS LATER - LADIBAG AND SUPER CAT! VNUCHKA KOTA NUAR, EMILY falls into the world of GRAVITY FOLZ! • 100 лет спустя - Ледиб...
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** The video was created for entertainment purposes. It is not recommended to view people under 6 years old! **
Put your fingers up and subscribe to the children's channel " Watch Me" goo.gl/rZxzgw
With you was Ksenia Makarova ;-)