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" Watch Me" - Season 2 series 116. New video! After another heroic deed, Ladybug returned the baby to his house. It so happened that Brazhnik had accumulated a baby, but our Ladybug saved him. The kid was very capricious, and she decided to tell him a fairy tale so that he would fall asleep. But then Chloe called ... she was very unhappy with the Marinette dress, which she made specifically for Chloe. This made Ladybug very angry and then she decided ... What did she decide? Rather, watch the new video and find out))) Put the likes and subscribe to the channel! I love everyone, bye everyone! miraculous ladybug in real life / divertente / lustig
MY SECOND CHANNEL, backup - goo.gl/wHTBEH
MY INSTAGRAM - goo.gl/YRtKic
My english channel is goo.gl/uFsZny
Other series, see below for links:
• ПОМЕНЯЛИСЬ ТЕЛАМИ! Эми... CHANGE BODY STAR AND MARCO! Emily found out who Nurbak is ADRIAN ?! KITI Noir granddaughter Kota Noir!
BROTHER BROTHER ?! NEW EVIL FROM LADYBAG. Emily Agrest found KVAMI VIZES and amulet! 4 SERIES real life • Брат Бражника?! Новый ...
DIPPER versus MEYBLE! EMILY in Gravity Falls. VIZZZ QUAMI STOLEN magic cubes! Kitty Noir 3 part • Диппер против Мейбл! Э...
100 YEARS LATER - LEDIBAG AND SUPER CAT! VNUCHKA KOTA NOAR, EMILI enters the world of GRAVITY FOLZ! • 100 лет спустя - Ледиб...
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** Video created for entertainment purposes. Not recommended for viewing by persons under 6 years old! **
Put your fingers up and subscribe to the children's channel, " Watch Me" goo.gl/rZxzgw
With you was Ksenia Makarova / Ksenia Makarova ;-)